Components of Green Building

Components of Green Building
Industrial materials can be recycled in construction applications because they have many of the same chemical and physical properties as the virgin materials they replace. In some cases, they can even improve the quality of a product.

EPA has extensive programs and information on green building issues, including:
  • Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
  • Water Efficiency
  • Environmentally Preferable Building Materials and Specifications
  • Waste Reduction
  • Toxic Reduction
  • Indoor Air Quality
  • Smart Growth and Sustainable Development   

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

EPA and U.S. Department of Energy's ENERGY STAR program promotes partnerships with home-builders, office building managers, product manufacturers, and many other organizations to improve the energy efficiency of homes, buildings, and various building components and appliances.
  • ENERGY STAR for New Homes is a partnership focused on new home construction.
  • ENERGY STAR Home Improvement provides information and resources for energy-efficient home renovation.
  • ENERGY STAR for Business is a program to help businesses improve their buildings' energy performance.
Components of Green Building
EPA's Green Power Partnership provides information about renewable power sources, benefits of using them, and how to participate in the Partnership.
EPA's Heat Island Reduction Initiative works with communities and other partners to reduce the heat island effect caused by urban patterns of development.
  • Cool Roofs provides information about energy saving roofs.
  • Green Roofs provides information about water and energy saving vegetated roofs.
Components of Green Building

Water Efficiency

EPA's WaterSense program promotes and enhances the market for water-efficient products and services and educates homeowners, businesses, landscapers and others. WaterSense also develops performance criteria for water efficient products and services.
