BIM Execution Plan

To effectively introduce BIM into the project delivery process, it is important for the project team to develop a BIM Execution Plan at the early stages of a project. It outlines the overall vision along with implementation details for the team to follow throughout the project. It is usually defined at the start of the project and when new project members have been appointed so as to accommodate their participation.

BIM Execution Plan

A BIM Execution Plan helps the Employer and project members to document the agreed BIM specifications, level of detail and processes for the BIM project. The main Service Contract shall make reference to the BIM Execution Plan to define the roles and
responsibilities of the project members for their BIM deliverables.
By developing a BIM Execution Plan, the Employer and project members can:

  1. Clearly understand the strategic goals for implementing BIM on the project;
  2. Understand their roles and responsibilities for Model creation, maintenance and collaboration at different stages of the project;
  3. Design a suitable process to participate in the implementation;
  4. Define the content, level of detail and by when the Model is to be delivered to meet which objective;
  5. Outline additional resources
  6. Provide a baseline plan to measure progress throughout the project; and
  7. Identify additional services needed in the contract
 The content of a BIM Execution Plan includes the following:
  1. Project information;
  2. BIM goal & uses;
  3. Each project member’s roles, staffing and competency;
  4. BIM process and strategy;
  5. BIM exchange protocol and submittal format;
  6. BIM data requirement;
  7. Collaboration procedures and method to handle shared Models;
  8. Quality control; and
  9. Technology infrastructure & software
The BIM Execution Plan can be appended with additional information as it is continually developed throughout the project life-cycle to facilitate changing project needs, e.g. with the addition of participants at later stages. Updates to the BIM Execution Plan should be made with the permission of the Employer or his appointed BIM Manager and should not go against conditions of the Principal Agreement.
