A drive or walk through almost any residential neighborhood in the United States reveals a number of commonalities among the houses and sites surrounding them. What is usually seen is a one- or two-story house surrounded by an expanse of lawn and various plantings. Regardless of the size of the site, the house is usually placed near the middle of the site, thus creating front yards and backyards of similar sizes and narrow side yards.
The front yard is most often thought of as a public setting for the house. A lawn, often manicured to create a lush green carpet, occupies most of this area with a driveway situated along one side of the site. In arid areas of the country, the lawn area may be replaced with gravel or decomposed granite. The front yard is often dotted with trees, shading various parts of the yard. Typically, a row of plants extends along the entire base of the house.
This foundation planting often consists only of coniferous or broad-leaved evergreens that provide a year-round wall of green color. Finally, a narrow walk extends from the driveway and/or street to the front door of the house.
The backyard is the most varied area of the typical residential site. In older neighborhoods, or those found in western states of the country, the backyard is usually enclosed with walls, fences, or plantings. In these situations, the backyard is apt to be the most private area on the site. In newer neighborhoods, especially in the eastern and midwestern regions of the country, the backyard is often very open, with little or no definition of where one property ends and another begins. In these conditions, there is little privacy in the backyard.
On most residential sites, the backyard is a more utilitarian area than the front yard and is the location of the outdoor terrace, work space, garden, and open lawn for recreation. It is usually the location for outdoor living activities. On other sites, the backyard provides little or no use to the residents; it is just leftover outdoor space that must be maintained.
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