urban planning |
Now a days we face many problems i consider it as challenge to survive in the earth planet, world countries leaders meet every year to discuss this big problems together in order to reach for the solution suitable for all country because of its inner issue and the community habits. None can deny that those presidents, kings, consuls and prime ministers argue more than 3 day to find out a compromise satisfy all the participation countries on the annual An international meetings.
Urban planning is a technical and political
process concerned with the use of land, protection and use of the
environment, public welfare, and the design of the urban environment, including air, water, and the infrastructure passing into and out of urban areas such as transportation,
communications, and distribution .
For me, I think all the problems solutions are just still in the paper and they forget it as soon as reaching their countries. Simply because of Internal problems the ruler want to face it alone, i can't reduce his efforts.
let's discuss those problems and count them in the article, I will try to make it simple for the readers to understand it from the first time, the problems are:
- Megacities and geopolitical consequence
- Migration and destabilization of the labor force
- Poverty
- Sanitation and health
- Consumption and waste
- Sprawl
Urban planning put the best solutions to the biggest problems, Urban planning can face it with the help of other engineering fields such as "electrical, mechanical, structural ......". The solutions are organized directly to implement it into different city wherever the city loctaed in.
urban planning |
Urban planner will design community regarding the people habits, save all the services people need to live their life normally, suggest the infrastructure line, show the local materials for building and climate solution for heat and light, calculate the expected job opportunities.
Using this sequence in all fields will lead automatically to solve this major problem starting from the family unit till the mega city which i don't preferably.
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