Don't take the planet to the cleaners! Did you know dry cleaning is a hazardous process that uses toxic chemicals and poisons the environment, our clothing, and us? Many dry cleaners use a solvent called perchloroethylene, or perc. Perc and other solvents are placed in a rotating cleaning drum along with clothing. The drum spins out the majority of the solvent, and hot air evaporates the remaining fluid before the garment is pressed and bagged. These solvents remove soils and stains without damaging fabrics.
However, they can make us sick. Perc has been linked to cancer, liver and nervous system damage, infertility, and hormonal disruption. Residues of these toxins can remain in the fibers of dry cleaned garments; especially when clothes are placed in a plastic bag soon after processing is completed.
• Take the train or a coach for longer trips, if possible instead of the car. Use the bus where you can also.
• Walk where you can for shorter distances. Walking is good for your health, pocket and for the planet!
• Consider biking or walking to work once a week.
• Car pool with colleagues, friends, parents. The school run alone adds up to a billion petrol-burning miles a year. Most cars only currently take 1 or 2 passengers, which equals a lot of pollution for a half-full car.
• If you are pulling over in your vehicle for more than 20 seconds, it's worth stopping the engine. This will save you money and help the planet too. Similarly, if you are stuck in traffic and have not moved for 2-3 minutes, turn your engine off.
• Keep your car in good running condition. That means getting regular oil changes so you'll produce fewer emissions and making sure tires are properly inflated so you'll use less fuel.
• If it's time to replace your car, make fuel efficiency a key criterion. The most fuel-efficient vehicles on the market are small, lightweight cars and gasoline-electric hybrids. If your old car is running well, keep it tuned up; it may be easier on the earth's resources than manufacturing a new car.
• When using your vehicle, try to combine errands that you run and plan your route so that you are making the most of not only your time and expenses, but your fuel emissions also.
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